Monday, February 7, 2011

Contactless Mobile Payments Set for 2012

Dan Butcher from Mobile Commerce Daily just published a very good article on contactless mobile payments, click here.  He briefly discusses the ISIS initiative as well as Europe’s launch this summer with a partnership between Orange, Everything Everywhere, Barclaycard, MasterCard and Gemalto.

Take-aways from the article include:
         The launch proposition will focus on an industry-backed, SIM-based approach to payments with the goal of enhancing security for customers.
         Gemalto will take on the TSM (Trusted Service Management) operated services role, offer NFC SIM cards with a payment application, and provide a user interface on the handset.
         NFC applications role out in the UK are structured around the following use cases: NFC payment and transport, loyalty and couponing programs.

At the end of the article there is a video to view on mobile financial services offering by Gemalto.

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